Contact sheet showing key frames from the panel discussion at Cities for Clean Air : London 2012
Panel discussion
The members of the panel for the discussion were the four speakers: Murad Qureshi, London Assembly Member and Chair of the London Assembly Health and Environment Committee; Dr Ian Mudway, MRC-HPA Centre for Environment and Health, King's College London; Alan Andrews, Client Earth; and Jenny Bates, Friends of the Earth London Campaigner.
- Video (via You Tube) of the panel discussion at Cities for Clean Air : London 2012. Duration: 27:06
- Slide show (via Flickr) of the panel discussion at Cities for Clean Air : London 2012. Ten slides.
The panel discussion included several themes: air quality and planning especially in relation to developments in the London borough of Enfield, and also Hammersmith & Fulham; air quality and planning policy particularly in London ('The Mayors Strategy'); The National Planning Policy Framework and air qualtity; and finally - how to effectively lobby the Mayor Boris Johnson on air quality and clean air. All four speakers contributed to the discussion with the audience being actively involved in the conversation.
Keith Taylor, MEP also chips-in with his experience of air quality and planning control when he was a Councillor in Brighton & Hove. His poster publication 'Air pollution - the invisible killer' is available from this website http://www.keithtaylormep.org.uk/air-pollution/.
Simon Birkett (The Campaign for Clean Air in London) volunteers his advice and expertise in the discussion. His website http://www.cleanairinlondon.org contains a number of useful briefings and other information about air quality in London.